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San Juan Building Supply...Putting a roof over your head.

San Juan Building Supply...putting a roof over your head.


Stan Hurst at San Juan Building Supply has been giving area residents shelter from the storm since 1989, now it’s time for a big thank you. In case you aren’t aware of it, the big home improvement stores have nothing on this local fixture. If all you care about is price and think the big guys can get it to you cheaper, think again. Anyone crunching numbers will realize that the distance you have to travel to one of those will quickly gobble up any saving you might have gained off a 2x4 that was priced a few cents cheaper. And most times that is all the price difference you will see on such items. Many times Stan can match or beat their price.  


The big guys and their employees don’t really do customer service. San Juan Building Supply does. Order a product from San Juan Building Supply by Tuesday and it is delivered to you on Thursday.


Windows, doors, lumber, nails... you name it. If it isn’t on site it will be shortly. Stan and his team are professionals who know their products and are happy to help you find exactly what you need. Economics makes San Juan Building Supply the logical choice. Good products and customer satisfaction is what keeps a loyal customer. San Juan Building Supply wins in both of those categories. Thank you Stan.  


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